Howden Infants is a GOOD school

Rotary Club of Howden - Christmas Concert


On Saturday 3rd December 2016, the Rotary Club of Howden along with Marie Curie and the Howden Parochial Church Council came together to organise and host the “Christmas Around the World” Concert at Howden Minster in aid of Rotary charities, the Minster and Marie Curie.
The evening was attended by nearly two hundred and fifty guests who were entertained by the Beckside Singers with Musical Director, Charles Huckvale, St Helen’s Parish Church, Welton Choir led by Choir director, Helen Duffus, and Howden Minster’s own Choir with their choirmaster and organist Matthew Collins. Vocalists Deb Henderson and Kate Sweeting sang “Oh Holy Night” and seasonal readings were given by Grace Marwood and Angela Martinson.
“I am pleased to say the concert was a great success with early indications that in excess of £2,000 was raised for distribution between the local causes” said Mike Merrett President of Howden Rotary Club and Master of Ceremonies “On behalf of ourselves, Howden PCC and Marie Curie I would like to thank all the singers, musicians and readers who all performed superbly tonight, as well as all the local businesses and supporters who have generously provided sponsorship, taken adverts in the programme and donated raffle prizes. We would also like to thank the air cadets for their help on the night and lastly and most importantly all those who attended and contributed to making it such a great evening which we hope they all enjoyed”


Rotary Club of Howden - Presentation Evening


On Monday 21st November 2016, the Rotary Club of Howden held a Presentation Evening at Spaldington Golf Club welcoming representatives from charities and organisations that have received assistance from the Club this year to a buffet supper.
On the evening, Club President Mike Merrett presented cheques to Stuart Gray of the RAF Association (£2,000), Prof Nick Stafford of The Daisy Appeal (£2,000), Richard Moore of Bubwith Village Hall (£500).
“The Royal Air Forces Association is a registered charity that provides welfare support to all serving and ex-serving personnel and their dependants” explained Stuart “We receive no government contributions, our work is completely funded by the generosity of our members and through vital donations from our supporters in the general public and from businesses, hence we are extremely grateful for the donation from Howden Rotary Club”
“The Daisy Appeal built an £8m research centre, which opened in 2008, and in 2014 we opened the £4.5m Jack Brignall PET-CT Scanning Centre. Both are on the Castle Hill Hospital site and previous donations from Howden Rotary assisted with these projects” said Prof Stafford “We now want to build a £6.4m radiochemistry and cyclotron unit so we can produce our own radioactive tracers. This will allow us to scan patients with certain heart and neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s, as well as those with cancer. We now have the opportunity to save many lives in East Yorkshire and North East Lincolnshire and Rotary’s donation will assist us in this work, thank you”
“The Bubwith Centre/Village Hall is a registered charity and is run by the community, for the community” advised Dr Richard Moore Vice Chair “Unfortunately the hall’s roof is not fit for purpose, it is letting in water and is poorly insulated. The Parish Council and Centre Committee are working together to raise the funds to replace the roof and hence the donation from Howden Rotary is most welcome, thank you”
“In total the Club has made twenty-one donations amounting to £21,648.48” said Club President Mike Merrett “and the evening has been a great opportunity to meet up again with these amazing organisations, it has also given their representatives a chance to network with each over”
Everyone was also entertained by Hull’s talented young singer Emily Drewry who beautifully sang a selection of songs both Classical and from Musical Theatre.
Pictured is President Mike Merrett (Right) presenting the cheque to Stuart Gray


Rotary Club of Howden - Cycle Ride


On Sunday 25th September 2016, 69 cyclists took part in the Howden Rotary Club’s annual cycle ride from Laxton village hall and they succeeded in raising £3,720 for their chosen charities.
The spirited cyclists, including many children, completed either a 20, 13, 7 or 5 mile course in order to achieve their goals with some seventeen charities benefiting financially from their hard work.
“We are delighted to have had so many cyclists participating and early indications are that the total money raised this year is a record for the event” said Howden Rotary Club President Mike Merritt “whilst we were relieved that the weather stayed fine the strong wind did prove challenging for the riders”
“The Rotarians were so impressed by the efforts of the cyclists that they decided to donate £250 to the charity being supported by the riders raising the most sponsorship” continued Mike “and as Gill and Joe Dixon raised £900 for the Dyspraxia Foundation the Club will increase this by £250”
“The Club is always on the lookout for projects/causes where we can help, be it either physically or financially” added Mike “if anyone feels that Howden Rotary Club could be of assistance we would be pleased to hear from them”
Howden Rotary would like to thank all those who participated and helped create such a wonderful atmosphere, and look forward to seeing you at next year’s ride.
Pictured are the Avenues Bicycle Project team comprising (left to right) Tim Pickles, Andy Barnett, Wendy Dobbs, Sue Barnett, Molly Martin, Simon Martin and Tony Marsh



Rotary Club of Howden - Golf Am Am


On Thursday 26th May 2016 the club held its 29th annual golf AM-AM and Sports Dinner at Hessle Golf Club and Willerby Manor respectively, and this year the twenty-eight teams reported the course to be in excellent condition as they completed their rounds of golf.
“The charities that will benefit from today are The Daisy Appeal, Yorkshire Cancer Research, The RAF Association, and other Local Charities” advised Richard Longthorp, Past President of Howden Rotary Club.
"Early indications are that the event has raised £7,200 for the charities which is a great testament to the goodwill and generosity of all those companies and individuals who have supported the event and to whom we are extremely grateful” added Richard “we would also like to thank The Hessle Golf Club, Willerby Manor, and everyone who assisted in any way in making the day so successful”
After the dinner all the guests were thoroughly entertained by the speakers, former England Rugby Union player, Jeff Probyn, who was followed by Liverpool comedian Denny Waters.
The team from Spaldington Golf Centre, comprising Chris Mowforth, Roger Spink, David Greenwood and Andrew Moss, scooped the first prize in the men’s competition and received the Jubilee Cup which was donated by Tony Horncastle OBE, from speaker Jeff Probyn. Runners up were Riverside Peter Stockill with the Farmstar Limited in third place. Bonus Electrical Ladies won the ladies completion.
Riverside Peter Stockill team golfer Andy Woodhead was on great form having a very successful day winning prizes for both the “longest drive” on the 15th fairway and “nearest the pin” on the 16th green!
Next year’s event is scheduled for Thursday 25th May 2017, so put the date in your diary!
Pictured are AmAm Winners 2016 – Jeff Probyn (left) presenting the trophy to the team from Spaldington Golf Centre


Howden Heritage Centre Opens

The new HOWDEN HERITAGE CENTRE in Market Place was officially opened on Friday 14th April 2017 by Cllr Caroline Fox the Vice Chair of ERYC. A huge number of visitors packed the centre to witness the opening and see the first displays telling of Howden's rich history.