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Committee Members

Details of meeting dates, together with Agendas and Minutes can be found on the Council Meetings page.

Meetings are open to the public unless otherwise directed and an opportunity for public comment is included on the Agenda. 
Please view the Guidance for members of the public attending meetings.

Finance & General Purposes Committee

The Finance & General Purposes Committee, consists of ten Members. Its functions include the consideration of new policies, monitoring of the budget and auditing of the Council’s accounts and internal controls. This Committee also has responsibility for civic amenities, such as public seats and bus shelters, along with the Council’s land, play areas and buildings to name a few.

Staffing Committee

The Staffing Committee consists of 5 Members and meets on a quarterly basis or more frequently if required. The committee is responsible for all staff related matters including recruitment, pay, performance and conduct.

Planning Committee - Kessedhek Towlennans

The Planning Committee, consisting of seven Members usually meets on the first Thursday of every month and has delegated authority to consider all planning applications and to make recommendations to Cornwall Council – the Planning Authority. All Applications are categorised into those that are non-contentious (Category I) and those that require more in-depth consideration (Category II). Each Category II application is allocated to a Committee member who visits the site and contacts neighbours to establish a balanced view and to make a presentation and recommendation at the Planning Committee meeting. Members may also deliver letters to residents neighbouring the application site giving the application details and how to contact the Committee member. The public are welcome to attend the meeting and again have the opportunity to express their opinions to the Members.

Annual Town Meeting

The Annual Parish or Town Meeting is not a council meeting. It is a meeting of the parish or town electors taking place between 1 March and 1 June. Electors can contribute to the agenda and in practice these meetings often celebrate local activities and debate current issues in the community. The Mayor, any two Councillors or any six electors can call the Annual Parish or Town Meeting. The Town Mayor, if present, will chair the meeting.

NOT A CURRENT COMMITTEE - Amenities Committee - Kessedhek Leow Poblek

This Committee has responsibility for civic amenities, such as public seats and bus shelters, along with the Council’s land, play areas and buildings to name a few. The Town Warden regularly reports to this Committee and an excellent working relationship has been developed with the National Trust at the Penrose Estate.

NOT A CURRENT COMMITTEE - Policy, Finance & Resources Committee - Kessedhek Polis, Arghans ha Skoodhyans

The Policy, Finance and Resources Committee, consisted of six Members. Its functions included the consideration of new policies, monitoring of the budget and auditing of the Council’s accounts and internal controls. It was replaced by the Finance and General Purposes Committee in 2023.