Harvest Fair

Falling on the first week-end in September, Harvest Fair is the last remaining fair-day of Helston. The committee work very hard to make it a week-end of fun to celebrate the fruits of autumn.  

On the Saturday there is usually a Family Pet Show and a Family Fun Dog Show. In the afternoon, there is a Grand Carnival with floats, walking entries and vintage vehicles. The entrants process through the streets of Helston, entertaining the crowds as they go.

Sunday sees the traditional Open Horticultural and Craft Show which takes place in the Old Cattle Market. The sections include Flowers, Fruit and Vegetables, Home Produce, Handicrafts, Wines, Photography and Floral Art and there are also specific categories for Young People and Groups. Judging takes place in the morning and the public are able to view the entries during the afternoon prior to the presentation of prizes.

Helston Harvest Fair is organised by a group of local volunteers who welcome helpers. They have a website link: http://www.helstonhf.co.uk/ which gives the most up to date information.

Harvest Fair Produce Harvest Fair Produce