
Standing Orders of Boroughbridge Town Council

Boroughbridge like any other Town or Parish Council have their own set of rules to follow, these are often called Standing Orders. They follow a model set of Standing Orders as set down by the government. To view a copy of Boroughbridge Town Council's Standing Orders please click on the link above.

Complaints Policy of Boroughbridge Town Council

Guidelines for the use of Boroughbridge Town Council Public Open Spaces

Guidelines for the use of Aldborough Village Green 

Donations and Grant Scheme Policy of Boroughbridge Town Council

Health and Safety Policy of Boroughbridge Town Council 

Press/Media Policy 

Privacy Notice for Staff, Councillors and Role Holders 


Financial Regulations of Boroughbridge Town Council

It is a legal obligation of a council to create financial regulations.
To view a copy of Boroughbridge Town Council's Financial Regulations please click on the link above.

Training Policy 

Information & Data Protection Policy 

Code of Conduct

Publication Scheme 

Cemeteries Rules and Regulations

Cemeteries Fees 2019/20 


Email Privacy Notice